Ryterna Insulated Side Hinged Doors
The Insulated Side Hinged Doors from Ryterna are ideal if you use your garage space as a utility room, storage or workshop.
They are especially robust and low maintenance and guarantee long service life and reliable performance.

> Door stays
> Leaf's and frame the same colour
> Threshold S5A (sloping) - Flat packed on site assembly frame. Universal.
> 50/50 split (ex. Georgian design)
> Integral locking shut-bolts to fixed leaf
> 60mm x 80mm rebated frame
> Aluminium, Black or White handle set
> Europrofile single point lock with 5 keys
Doors with Windows
If you are looking at converting your garage into a workshop, for storage or as a utility room windows are a great option. Ryterna offer about ten different window types, double-glazed panels and many glazing choices.
With the glazing panels they not only let more light into your garage, they also give you door a unique look.
The acrylic double glazed windows come in clear, matt, 'frosted' or tinted finish.